Saturday, December 11, 2010

Expedition Ecuador: Christmas in January

Christmas is only a few weeks away. However, this year my real present won't come until mid-January. This year my most anticipated present comes courtesy of my friend Abraham Herrera. I met Abe while we were taking our ACA instructors course in West Virginia this summer. We got along very well and he has quickly become one of my favorite people hang-out with on and off the water. On one of the last days of the course Abe mentioned his idea for an expedition he and a friend had been planning for the past few years. He wanted to know if I would join the crew. Having heard of the amazing outcome of his last expedition ( I knew instantly that I had to go.

So it began. Now, I enter the final weeks of preparation, hurrying to ready myself before I leave for Florida to spend the holiday with my relatives and attend my cousins wedding. I depart Jan 11th from Miami International, with my new Jackson Villian, a few H2O paddles, brand new GoPro Hero HD courtesy of GoPro and a thirst for adventure. The exact route we will take and the logistics have yet to be finalized, but roughly speaking we will be starting near the Valle Vicioso and paddling down to the Huayusayacu, finishing near the well-known paddling town of Tena, Ecuador.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cancer Sucks!!!

So as many of may already know I recently had to say farewell to "Righty" because of a conflict of interest. Namely, he decided he wanted try living with testicular cancer and I disagreed. So the doctor performed an unilateral orchiectomy, removing my right testicle. We are still waiting on the results of the biopsy and blood-work, but as long as the tumor has not metastasized, that should be the end of it.

Now I have a 3 inch wound on my right pelvic region. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is not that big of deal, but it does mean that I am and will be bound to limited physical activity for a while. No lifting, no Paddling, no P90X, and no least not of the pnysical variety.

I want to assure everyone, however, that as soon as I am ready, I will be back at it harder than ever. I have many great things planned for this year, including an expedition in Ecuador that will, if all goes according to plan, take place in January/February. I am also going to get in touch with the Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation to see what I can do to help raise awareness in and around the paddling community.

Bottom line, check your nuts boys, not everyday because you'll never feel a change, but every month or so. Tell your friends to do the same and maybe, just maybe, you can catch it early like I did, saving you and your family a lot of heartache.

Keep your paddle wet and your balls cancer free.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wisconsin Windy Weather

Great Lakes Surfing on Lake Michigan. Record storms brought big waves to the Western Shore. 60 mph gusts and 10-15ft waves provided the rare opportunity to catch huge air along the shores of Sheboygan, WI.